This method is based on the fact that a percentage is a fraction of 100.
That is, if we need to calculate 67% of the number 400, we can represent it as 67/100, which is equal to 0.67.
Then we multiply 400 by 0.67 to get the answer.
Example: Calculate 67% of 400.
Solution: 400 x (67 / 100) = 268
This method is also based on the fact that a percentage is a fraction of 100.
However, instead of multiplying the number by a percentage, we divide the number by 100 and then multiply the result by a percentage.
Example: Calculate 67% of 400.
Solution: (400 / 100) x 67 = 268
This method is based on the fact that a percentage is a fraction of 100.
We can represent a percentage as a simple fraction, where the numerator is a percentage and the denominator is 100.
Then we multiply this by a number to get the answer.
Example: Calculate 67% of 400.
Solution: (67 / 100) x 400 = 268
All three methods give the same result. Choose the one that is more convenient for you.